Élodie Bitsindou is a PhD student in Contemporary Architecture history, under the supervision of Jean-Baptiste Minnaert at the André Chastel Center, a laboratory under the supervision of Sorbonne University (Faculty of Arts), the CNRS and the Ministry of Culture. Her thesis, currently in progress, focuses on the production of housing in the form of suburban "new villages" in France from the 1960s to the 1980s. Her Master's work, devoted to the works of Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill in the New Towns of the Greater Paris region, founded her interest in architecture and urbanism of the second 20th century, particularly through their utopian dimension. Her interest in the visible and the sensible has led her to bringing her research on screen. She is now working on a documentary portraying the Levittowns and the people who live in them.
Academic work
➢ 2018 - (in progress): Architecture History to the test of suburbia: New villages and the production of the Ile-de-France peri-urban landscape, thesis in preparation, under the supervision of Jean-Baptiste Minnaert.
➢ 2017 - 2018 : Architecture to replace the city: the example of the Little Cathedral by
Ricardo Bofill, Master II thesis, under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Minnaert, defended on May 28, 2018.
➢ 2016 - 2017: Building an urban utopia in Marne-la-Vallée: genesis, construction and posterity of Ricardo Bofill's Abraxas Spaces, Master's thesis I, under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Minnaert, defended June 19, 2017.
Research grants
➢ Fulbright Scholarship - National Program, 2021. University of Maryland, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation.
➢ Ile-de-France Doctoral Mobility Award 2019.
➢ "Training and research grants" from the Ministry of Culture, General Inventory of Cultural Heritage field, 2019.
➢ « Les Espaces d’Abraxas : la théâtralisation du quotidien », Atlas de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine. [En ligne]. URL: https://patrimoine.seinesaintdenis.fr/Espaces-d-Abraxas
➢ Patrimoines: (re)définitions, introduction à la journée doctorale d'histoire de l'art, ED 124, 20 janvier 2022. [En ligne]. URL: https://124revue.hypotheses.org/8684
➢ Bitsindou Elodie, « Reclaiming the suburban ideal: History of a Transatlantic model », Planning as a welfare project. Ideologies, models and representations between France, Northern Europe and Northern America, Salle Giorgio Vasari, Galerie Colbert, october 21-22, 2021.
➢ Bitsindou Elodie, « Les périurbains d’Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes au prisme des nouveaux villages pavillonnaires. Méthodologie pour une analyse des lotissements concertés », Les carnets de l’Inventaire : études sur le patrimoine – Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes [en ligne], april 30, 2021. URL : https://inventaire-rra.hypotheses.org/6782
➢ Bitsindou Elodie, « Levittvilles. A Case in favor of the Suburban », CHANCES 2019. Practices, Space and Buildings, in Cities Transformation, université de Bologne, october 24, 2019. [URL]: http://amsacta.unibo.it/6596/1/Atti_CHANCES.pdf
➢ Bitsindou Elodie, « Périurbanisation en Europe : une utopie accessible », in Encyclopédie pour une histoire nouvelle de l'Europe [en ligne], LabEx EHNE, may 2019, URL: https://ehne.fr/node/2008
➢ Bitsindou Elodie, « Comment regarder la “France moche” ? L’apport de la photographie à la construction des paysages périurbains », Photographie urbaine : histoire, enjeux, fonctions de l’image, université Rennes 2, fébruary 8, 2019.